Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Time is of the essence..."

Now I know it has been awhile since I have last posted, but today I have finally gotten a chance to sit down and write. Why you ask? Because in the three short months since I have become a parent, I, Amy Collins, have learned a few things... Now don't go acting all surprised at this stunning revelation! Okay, fine! I was pretty surprised by this myself! Yes, it is true... I can learn! Mostly I learn things by stumbling sideways and tripping over backwards into a situation, but I do learn. I absorb, I adapt, I figure things out! So this is what I have learned since becoming a parent... I have learned the true meaning of the phrase... "Time is of the essence!" Yes, timing is everything! You see my little boy just went down for a nap, so I have decided to take this opportunity to sit down and write. But now that I know that "time is of the essence" I have no illusions that I will be able to finish this blog post today! Because this nap that he is taking, could be twenty minutes, or it could be two hours. Who knows? All I know is that I am on a time table, I know that the clock is ticking, I know that I have a "to do" list a mile long sitting over there in the corner. And yes, it's mocking me! But I also know that I need to write. And now my little boy is awake!

So I guess this blog post will have to be filed under the status of: To be continued...