I know, I know, it has been quite awhile since I have last posted anything on my blog! But, in my defense I have been quite busy with, well you know... Creating a person! Excuses aside, I am back and ready to post! So what's new? On our last ultrasound Mitch and I found out that we are having a baby boy! We are very excited and I couldn't help but post this latest picture of our little guy in the "thinking man" pose!
Which got me to thinking about the amazing feats that this baby goes through on a daily basis! Even in the womb my baby has already started to reach milestones! I mean isn't that what life is all about? Striving to reach major and minor milestones... From the day you are born you are working toward achieving specific goals in life. A baby reaches several of these milestones in their very first year! From day one they are working towards such milestones as eating solid foods, to sitting up, to crawling and then eventually walking and talking!
But just recently I realized that it starts even before they are born! I don't know why it took me so long to figure this out--I guess I just never really thought about it! But now that this is my kid--I have to say that I am quite proud of my boy! I am just now reaching 26 weeks and according to Web MD and What to Expect when you are Expecting, he already weighs almost 2 pounds. He can now hear us when we talk or make loud noises, he can taste what I am eating, his eyes are beginning to open, and his little lungs are developing capillaries that will help him take his first breath.
He may not be walking yet, but everyday he is taking small steps in his development that will help prepare him for life. And I can't help but notice that he has already perfected being cute! Just take a look at the picture above... Although, I am somewhat worried about that thinking man pose, I think he has already started plotting, in which case, Mitch and I are in some serious trouble!
congratulations!!! love this post. hope you're all well. :)