Our Baby
So I just wanted to share the news that Mitch and I are expecting a baby in April! We are very excited and very overwhelmed at all of the new changes that are happening within our lives! As you can tell from my last post about camping and campfires, our lives have changed dramatically! Just recently we went from talking about our next camping destination, to our next doctor's visit! Now instead of browsing for a new tent, we are looking at strollers and cribs! And we couldn't be more happy! This has already changed our lives in ways that I can't even begin to describe!
Nothing in life could have prepared me for the mad dash to the bathroom, when experiencing a bout of morning sickness (morning sickness that lasts all day, mind you!) to the weird and inexplicable cravings at odd times of the day! I have experienced everything from eating salad at 7am or grapes at 3am, to driving erratically around Billerica and Wilmington in search of a chocolate milkshake!
But let me tell you, this was all worth it when we got the chance to see our little baby on the ultrasound! It is one of the best things we could have ever seen in our lives! We got to see our baby waving to us and sucking his or her little thumb! And it was so cool to see it's little heart beating!
This is only the beginning, I know! I am now in week 12 and hopefully (fingers crossed!) my morning sickness is starting to subside! During our 18 week ultrasound we will get to find out the gender of our baby! And let's not forget about the inevitable weight gain! I have already starting eating- like I am eating for two! I am so going to be fat like pudgy!! So on that note, I am now going to the kitchen in search of yet another snack! But I promise in my future posts, to keep you all posted!
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